Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm back!!!!!

I think I've decided to start blogging again.... Maybe :-)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


it's April so I figured an update would be good. Lets see..... Evan is 3 weeks shy of 2 years old. Wait, did I just sa 2?!?!? Holy freakin cow, I can not believe my 34 week, 4 lb premie is almost 2. Wow!!!

on another note, I'm getting married in exactly 1 month and 2 days!! Eeeekkkk that is exciting. I have a wedding blog as well you should go check out. May 7th is approaching quicly.

life is going quite well for me and I have God to thank for that.... He has gotten me through everything I have been faced with.

Monday, March 28, 2011


These past couple weeks I have been going through this "im a crappy mom" phase. I have days where I feel wonderful being a mother and then I have other days where I feel like I am a lazy piece of crap mom. But I have come to realize that there are different types of moms out there. Moms come in all shapes and sizes, a different in every single way.
You have working moms, stay at home moms, crafty moms and soccer moms. Those moms who love couponing and those who love spoiling their kids. Moms who have other careers and moms who aren't quite ready to be moms yet. Moms who feed their children with no perservitive foods and moms who give candy for prizes. Moms who stay up late helping you with homework and moms who stay up all day helping you do schoolwork. Moms who gave birth and moms who
stepped up to be moms.
Being a mom has impacted my life in so many different ways. And I may not had been ready to be a mom quite yet but God felt I was ready and blessed me with this beautiful baby (almost toddler) boy. I may not do crafts with him all day nor may I feed him the most healthy foods; but I do what I can and what fits our lives. Evan is healthy and happy and that's all I could ask for :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

wow... there are so many things wrong!!!!

so.. i'm sitting here watching "Wife Swap"...... and what it is, is 2 different families swap wives for 2 weeks. Week 1 the new wife must live like the famiy normally would; the 2nd week the new wives make up there own rules for how the family should live......... well while watching this certian episode.. my heart melted and tightened up all in one.............. let me explain all the things wrong with at was going on.

Family #1

The Close-Minded Christians

family 1 was a very conservitive "black" family who believed highly in there christian faith. they prayed every morning and night as a family and before meals..... went to church on sundays and churchly functions through-out the week............ i find nothing wrong with this................ but also the family never let there 3 kids go out with there friends, picked out there clothes, and gave them no privacy. the kids were not allowed to question much of anything and most answeres were....... becuase its Gods way.......... relgion was pretty much forced on these children and they have no idea why. this family also lives in man law........ which is where the man goes to work and comes home while the wife does ALL the cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the kids.

Family #2

The Athiest

family 2 was a tattoo-ed up, mohawk wearing no God believing family. they let there kids wear whatever they wanted and taught there kids that there is no god.... there is no higher power. This family also host pole parties once a week, where there is pole danicing and drinking, oh and yes the kids are there (ages 10-13). the husband cleans and the wife works on the computer at home all day.

My Opinion...............

both families are crap!!!!!!

Both Families push their religion on there children and dont answer any questions the kids have as to why they believe what they do... family 1's parents just say "thats theway it is" and family 2, the kids just follow there parents and do what they do. Neither of these parents have explained to their kids what is going on.

Also, there should be no "man and/ or woman" laws.......... i think both parents no i take tha back.. .all members of the family should help out around the house. No certian person should do everything. God does say that man is the head of the house... but not in a cleaning/ cooking matter........ it is more in a "leading your family" way.

it honestly hurt my heart for family 2 to throw down the bibles the mom had brought and for the son to say "lets go TP the church... just to mock the "new mom" and her beliefs and the dad did absoluty nothing... he could atleast teach his kids respect

and family 1.... they did respect the atheist mom and her difference....... but the way they sheltered thier children was ridiculous....... the new mom did convince the dad to let their oldest go on a group outing to the bowling alley.... and she very much enjoyed it.....

at the end of the show........ it shows how the swap had affected the families.....

the new family #1

the parents still press God on their children and don't really let them question anything........ but did start letting their oldest go out with her friends more often..... i think if they have soo much faith in God and how strongly their beliefs are... they should let there children go out and believe what they have taught them will carry on with them and they should trust them. Also, there is no more man law......... the husband and kids help out around the house.

the new family #2

this family is still athiest and still lets there kids pretty much do what they want.... BUT on the upside... this family spends alot more family time together and less pole dancing.

All in all............. I think both families are wrong..... you shoudl teach your kids right from wrong, you shouldn't shelter them and every person in the family should contribute. Family should come first and parents should share their morals and values with their kids....

and no.. i'm not trying to tell anyone what relgion is right and wrong... and NO i'm not telling anyone how to raie their kids.... this is just all my opinion on the show i watched.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Evan's 1st Halloween!!!

** my camera is **misplaced** so all of these are from my phone.. sorry**

so... my little lobster hated his outfit but looked tooo darn cute in it!!!

and my little niece and nephew looked just as awesome....

and we hung out with my family.........

yeah they weren't soo cute.... but she is.......

and all in all... it was a great day.... :)

Short, Fat, and Handsome

So.... my little man is 6 months old and growing up soo fast!!!

He can roll over both ways very well....

He can sit up on his own...... most of the time :)

He is 19lbs.... 26 inches long..........

oh... and hold his own bottle..... when he wants too.....

overall.. this little cutie is gettin soo big and growing up soo much!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

5 months :)

I am way overdue for a post... sorry guys!!!

Evan is now 5 months old..... 18lbs.... and 25 inches long!!!

He can hold his own bottle (most of the time)

and discovered his feet

Evan has also experienced a bunch of first...........

First food (applesauce)

1st trip to the Varsity

and First trip to the good ole' Henry County Fair

All in all.. he is growing soo fast and behaving soo well..... God has truly blessed me with a GOOD baby!!!!

I have started back to school (Griffin tech) but taking night classes for now so i can stay at home with Evan during the day!!.. i am soo inlove with that little thing!!! :)