Tuesday, April 21, 2009


  • I'm healthy.... Blood Pressure was good
  • Baby is healthy...
  • i've Gained too much weight (well to me i think i have)
  • Baby Evan weighs 4.5lbs
  • If i stay healthy.... i will hold till about 37 weeks (but no later)
  • but if something goes wrong... then immidiate delievery
  • Evan has a head full of hair
  • He is also a lazy baby.... and stubborn
  • I'm Still going twice a week to keep a check up on us

so all in all today was a good day..... oh and i gots my crib and dresser today at babies r us.... so so cute.. and i will upload pics later...  in the mean time 2 weeks of school left and a babie shower sunday :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

"What do you want?"

so... with baby showers coming up... i have been asked a lot what I need or want.... well frankly i don't really care... i am not a picky person what so ever and i love whatever you love.. i'm one of those ppl who think it is all about thought
but just for information.....

  • i am registered at Babies r us.... wal-mart... and target
  • i have... crib, bedding, bassinet, A car seat, and some outfits, and a stroller.. i think thats it
  • so frankly i need everything.. and if u have had a baby then u know what is majorly needed and what u wish people would of got you and stuff..
  • so for now that is the answer.... 
and ahh.. the room is almost ready.. i'm soo excited and will post pictures.. 

as for an update.... i am 33 weeks and going to the doctor tomorrow for an ultra- sound and hopefully all will be well... all i want is to finish school which my last day is may 6th.. ... and then baby evan can come!! in the mean time i am on bed rest and just chilling.... i'm getting sooo excited and scared... and just AAAHHHHH!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a Hour....

so today i went back to the doctor... and wow what a lot of information i received...

  • i don't have toxemia
  • i do have "pregnacy hypertention (high blood pressure)
  • i am still on bed rest... well kinda... i can still go to class and stuff
  • i have to go back to the doctor 2x a week 
  • one of those visits will be an ultra-sound b/c hypertention can mess up the fetal growth so they want to monitor that
  • i can still get toxemia... it is possible
  • 10-1 i won't get to have my june baby.... it will be may... doc wants to try and hold him in till i'm atleast 35 weeks.. .which is only 3 weeks away... but that is not guarnteed... my health comes first (but i feel that i can manage that long)

so that was my visit today.. i go back next week..... 
in the mean time.. i have 3 weeks of school left, thank God, and i'll be done.... both baby rooms are still a working progress and so are baby showers.. which is sooo exciting!!... i love this baby that has a big head.. which i was also informed of today :) so i will deft. keep everyone updated and let me know if u have any questions!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bed Rest....

so... today i went to the doctor for a regular ol checkup... and by blood presure was kinda high.. well alot high.... so dr. schilling admited me to the hospital immediatly... i was by myself and scared out of my mind.... and he also found blood in my urine.... so i possibley have toximia... which from what i am told... is high BP and alot of swelling in my hands/ feet/ face.....so i spent the afternoon in the hospital and josh and mama came to my resuce..... but after the blood work came back...nothing seemed to high and my bp lowered while i was there.. which is what they wanted..... i am on complete bed rest for the weekend...... and at home!
oh joy.. 3 days of laying on my side..... ugh!.. but baby evan is doing really well.. he behaved while i was in the hospital.... so i will def keep ya'll updated... i go for a follow up visit monday with dr. schilling.... so this is a start to what i thought was going to be a boring weekend!! please keep me occupied!