wow...what a week i have had... soo much has happened.... i'll start from the begining!!
Friday (april 24th) i went to the doctor for a check up and it was then i was admited to the hospital b/c my blood pressure was through the roof and i had too much protein in my urine... so i went to HMC for a 24 hour observation... well 24 hours turned into the whole weekend and my doctor was out of town for the weekend so the fill in doctor kept a check up on me and from her point of veiw she wanted to do a c-section monday morning b/c i was donig so bad.... but we waited till my doctor got back monday morning
monday came and my doctor looked at all the test results and said that my toxemia was getting worse but not severe enough to deliever.... by that night i was getting better and we were looking at a tuesday night release
tuesday morning i woke up with a severe migrain and was trowing up everywhere... it was horrible... so the doctor made me stay in the hospital for more test.... this was a sign of worsening of the toxima... the next step was seizures so he wanted to monitor me closely...
by wednesday night i still had the headache but i wasn't bad cuz of all the medicine i was on... but doc decided that i wasn't getting better and a delivery would be best... at this time i was 34 weeks so he knew that it woiuld be okay
thursday morning i was induced and we just waited.... he broke my water around lunch and i was dialted at a 4 by 2 o'clock .... the epideral helped some but i was still hurting.... by 9 i was only dialeted to a 5 and i needed to be atleast a 6.5- 7 to deliever and my bloood pressure wasn't getting any better so we ended up having to do a c-secrion
Baby Evan was born at 9:56 pm on April 30th, at 4lbs 40z, 17 1/2 inches long and the cutest ever. I got to hold him right after he was born but then they put him in the NICU (baby ICU) .... i didn't get to see him again till friday night..
the doctors were mainly worried about his lungs being fully defeloped and they were... he didn't have to have any tubes down his throat or be in a incubator or anything.. he is doing just fine... their second worry was him eating.. and let me tell u.. he is doing very well in that area... he is a little piggy.. but that is a good thing :)
so i got to come home sunday night but had to leave Evan behind.. i know that he is in good hands and i will visit him often.... i know though that i will need the rest and recovery before Evans big arrival... and healing from a c-section is hard core... so i guess it is semi- a good thing.. i miss my little buddy though!
i wanted to say thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers while in the hospital.. they really did work... and will continue to work while Evan is still growing and healing! and a special thank you to Josh.... Josh was there the whole time while i was in the hospital.. he was there every night struggling to sleep in the chair or on the so called couch... and there all day to make sure i had everything i needed... got to be in the room during the c-section and help my hand the whole time with out getting sick and helped me in every way possible during my recovery.... he got to feed evan and chang his diapper and hold him.... Josh was onlyh the best boyfriend during this past week and i know i would of not made it if it wasn't for him! i know he is going to be the best dad ever!
i also wanna thank my parents... especially my mama... she was my sole supported through the whole thing... she was there every time i needed her and came to my rescue multiple times... she put up with my random phone calls of bordness and my many times of tears... i love her so very much and i know that even though i had a baby i am still her baby girl and she will always be there for me
and i also wanna thank lexa, kayla, and abigail....... lexa and abigail came and hung out with me and my family during the delivery and stayed the whole 5+ hours untill i came out of recovery... kayla kept me company all day friday and constantly called and checked on me and Evan and made sure we had everything we needed..... all 3 of them also came to my most needed rescue and helped me wash my hair.. u will never know how much happier that made me feel
these aren't the only people who i am thankful for... i am thankful for everyone who thought about me or Evan during the past week of suffering and pain.... i got plenty of visitors and presents and i know multi-millinos of thoughts and prayers,,, that means the most to me!
in the mean time... i am at home recovering and Evan is in good hands at the hospital getting better and better everyday.. he is my rock!! i love that little man so very much and am already so proud of him :)