Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 months

So yes it's been a while... inbetween feedings and diappers and trying to catch some "me" time to eat or shower... it has been a hectic month.... but there is some good stuff going on around here :)

Evan is 2 months old
10lbs 9oz
22 inces long
Stomach issues... but its getting better
He is holding his head up more more every day
I think he'll be crawling by the end of the summer
sleeping longer at nights 5-6 hours (which makes me happy)

so overall things are great.... he has been quite the fussy one though lately and is a spoiled rotten child... loves being held!!

This was at Josh's Cousin's Wedding in Tennessee..... needless to say, Evan is not quite ready for 5 hour trips, but he was overall a good baby and I'm glad me and josh got to spend alot of time together, no tv.. no phone... just us talking... it was good!!! And the wedding was beautiful :)

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