Thursday, July 30, 2009

3 Months and Growing!

Well today Evan is 3 months old.. haha yes I tend to celebrate monthly until I loose count :)
but he is getting so big and cuter than ever.... i love my little man, he is my everything!!! He doesn't go back to the doctor untill his 4 month check-up but I wanted to know how much he weighed; so while at my brothers open house (hes a freshie at HCHS) I went and visited my favorite teacher ever and weighed him in her room (she just happened to have a baby scale)...... he weighs roughly 13lbs... he had his clothes on and all... so i was like "golly gee you fatty"... but he is soo precious!!

Going back to the open house.... Henry County High is so flippin' huge... holy cow I got lost more than once... it goes from the 100 hall to the 1000 hall.... its ridiculus!!! Ha and my brother just about has to go back and forth the whole day (haha)

My future plans still remain the same, I still intended on going to Griffin Tech. (for what I still don't know)... actually I woudn't mind at all being an EMT, but I really don't want to risk missing Evans first christmas or birthday or any of that good stuff.. so forget that.... I'm not really sure what I am going to do.... I do know that I am going to take an Auto Mechanic Class, I think it will be a good spend of money!!... Which reminds me of this one time me and a really good friend of mine said we would open up a female mechanic shop... haha.. we still might do it!!

Evan is the cutest bundle of joy around and I love that little baby.... He is starting to be more fussy at night and he likes to throw up occasionally ( and that usually ends up all over me)... but he is getting so much better. He is also sleeping 5-8 hours at night ( which puts me in a way better mood through out the day).... All in all... things are well!!!

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