Friday, March 27, 2009

blossoming over night!

so... today i went to the doctor.. and everything is good!!... i and the baby are healthy.. besides the fact that i have low iron.. which i have always had.. but she put me on a vitamin to help so we won't have complications during birth..... but other than that, we are good to go..... oh and just an update i have gained a total of 10 lbs since this pregnancy.. .which from what i've herd is really good!!! i have been gainging like one pound a month and then from feb to march i gained 5... wow all in one month.. but i have also done alot of expanding through the month as well.... so that is probably why! 

i swear this baby is ready to come out.... physcially not but evan likes to sit really low and today he was head down.... i thought it was funny..... he must not like it in there.... oh and he loves the shower... i can feel him stretch out to the limits while i'm in the shower... it is adoriable!!

so after the doctor.. me and lexa went to a consignment sale at AMS and there was SOOOO much stuff there... like omg...i wanted to buy everything.... they had soo many good deals and such cute stuff....  i went to look for a crib originally.. but didn't leave with one..... but thats okay... i still have a while.... but i did get evan an outfit that is too cute... and me an outfit (lol) and oh a bassinet... there all so cute...
and i got to see the wonderful nicole and talk to her for a minnute which was good..
i ended the day with moes and dairy queen where i found my new favorite blizzard (oreo mint) and then ate dinner with the fam. and hung out with josh!..
overall today was a good but long day :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I think i'm hitting the normal stages.......

so... the pregnancy symptoms are finally hitting me.... wow took long enough right??? i know am gaining weight... and a belly.... enjoying frequent kicking.... and having some good ole cravings!!!!

and things are getting soooo exciting... baby shower planning and clothes and yard sales... and just wow.... eeeeeeeeeeeeee i am sooo ready for this baby but could also keep him inside forever.... i don't know what a "bad" pregnancy is.. but i've herd horor stories... and this pregnacy has been a ball for me.. i have loved every minnute of it....
mama laughs at me because i am starting to complain about my back and bladder grabbing and kindey squishing.... but dang that hurts..... and people laugh when i stand up b/c it takes me a good 5 seconds to do that too!!.. but o well the joys of growing!!! i go to the doctor friday for a check up and i am soo excited but now i have to start going every 2 weeks.... this baby is comming.... and fast!!!!
i am also finally done with my baby registering... that takes forever.. fun.. but forever!!!... i picked babies r us.... wal mart... and target.... and for some reason didn't but any clothes on there because all baby clothes are cute.. and that takes forver.... and on alot of things i wish i could of just typed in what i wanted.... b/c i'm not picky and don't really care what color or pattern it is... i just need one (like a car seat.. or bibs..).... but whatever.... it is still all so exciting!!
ps.. i'm 7 months.... 29 weeks :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Time Flys...

so... wow... i was sittting back thinking and talking to the bestie abigail... and realizing that time is  valuable... time flys by like .. fast.... like...zzzzzzoooooooooooooommmmmmmmm fast!!
it is ridiculus....

but where does it go... b/c alot of society complains about how slow the day is going  or how long the week is.. but in reality they are all the same amount of time and in the big picture time is really passing you by.... time that u can't get back...

i can remmeber like yesterday the day i found out i was pregnant (oct. 17th but confirmed oct. 31st) and just wow... that was not that long ago... 5 months ago to be exact... and now i am 7 months pregnant and fixing to have a real life baby (yeah not one of those fake ones like barbie)

or the first time i met josh... wow um.. almost 4 years ago... and the whole story behind it!!

and wow.. my first year of college is almost over... in 6 more weeks to be exact... and i can't tell u how many times i've wanted to quit and give up and complain.. but in reality i've almost completed it.. a whole year.. well 9 months.... and my first day of college.. oh lordy... and the first night was amazing thanks to a trip to mcdonalds with some very cool people who most of them i still talk to!!....

time is very precsious.... just one moment... and you can miss that one moment if u are trapped in the past or the future....i've decided to no longer complain about how "slow" time is going.. b/c if u are not focused u could miss that one important  moment (like a babies first word).... time is a gift that God gives us... 

and on a side note.. at church (TPC) we are doing a series called "live like you were dying" (yea like the song)... but our pastor is challenging us to live the next 30 days (well probably more like 20 days now) to live like we were dying.... that is the most precious  43200 minnutes of your life.. right there.... the next 30 days..

so don't take another day for granted... time is very very valuable and special!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ME..... 6lbs later!!

so... i am 28 weeks..... 7 months... and in my 3rd trimester and i look like this.........

just thought i would share my wonderful looks... 7 months and 6lbs later!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is Sleep???

so... sleep is something that i miss dearly..... all last month i would wake up at random moments during the night and be wide awake.... y i don't know... but i believe it was God preparing me for this baby and me having to wake up at random moments all through out the night. Now my body has gotten over that but now there is a new problem... actually falling asleep... if i can get to sleep.. i'll stay asleep for atleast 4 hrs... but i am having problems acutally being sleepy.... see now it is 12:45am and i'm ready to party... y i don't know... during the day i love to sleep and have gotten really good at it... but something about night time.... my body doesn't want to sleep!
some say there is an actual thing called "pregnant insomnia".... .which if it is real then i defiantly have it.... wow.... well maybe one day i will actually be able to sleep a whole 8 hrs...

on the mean time... i'm eating more.... my body has usually been getting really full (like the first 5 1/2 months of this pregnancy) but now i am eating more. like before i would only eat like 2 chicken tenders or a jr. hamburger and be completley full.... but i would then be hungry again in like 2-3 hrs..... but now i eat through out the day... just about everyday.. some days i don't even feel full... EVER!!!...... like ha last night mama told me she was proud of me b/c i ate 3 pieces of pizza.... i don't know.. .. that is probably y i have only gained 5lbs this whole pregnancy.... but if the baby is healthy then all is well... which he is!

so in the mean time.. i have become really addicted to a game called super stacker.... totally fun!
and i'm excited b/c baby showers are coming up :)..... Evan is very active now and loves kicking and punching... but its soo cute!... we fight back and forth (ask me in person) and it is just adoriable!!!........

i have also been looking for a book to read.. like for pleasure... and haven't really found one of intrest.. so if u have an ideas... let meknow........ but for now it is wayside stories (thanks to Kayla)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

just an update!

So... just wanted to say... that I and Evan are healthy... yes Evan... that is the name that me and Josh has decided on (for now atleast)..... i really like that name and it is not that popular nor that odd.... but i also decided that if he comes out and doesn't look like  an Evan then i will change it (duh)... but anyways... we are healthy and doing just fine....

now i am finishing up school (9weeks) and getting the baby rooms ready.... things are getting sooo exciting..... i have loved every minnute of it... no sickness.. no pain... but now i am getting a little back pain... and it is harder to get up.... but i am still loving every minnute of it!

i go back to the doctor next week-ish..... for a check up and all... 

in the mean time i am wating on the results of my sugar test and enjoying the last of my spring break!.... 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Decisions, Decisions!!

so... nothing really new going on... i don't go to the doctor for another 2 weeks.. ahh seems like forever!... i went and go tested for gestational diabetis and that was the worst test to ever doo... u have to drink this nasty sugary water crap and then wait 1hr... and then they draw your blood..... i won't know anything till next week but still.. ugh!!

and i have been stressing about a name and nursery theme... well not anymore!!!
i realized that i get to design to nursery roooms.... one at my house and one at josh's house... so i think i've narrowed it down... one safari one from the prev. blog... and then the blue and brown one... from the prev. blog... 

on the second one i'm gonig to add monkeys and stuff to it just for cuteness... i'm really excited!!
and oh.. kayla and missy are throwing me a  baby shower at the church i found out and i'm supper excited about that.... and then my cousin christy is throwign me one for my family and friends and thats all i know about for now!..... 

as for a name.. i've been choosing between Evan or Cooper... i love them both.. but for now i am sticking with.......... Evan.... me and Josh both love that name... but if he comes out not looking like an Evan then i'm gonna change it.. b/c he should look like his name (duh)...
oh but if u are reading this... don't tell anyone i chose a name.. i want more people to read my blogs and this is one way to get them too!!!!

so wow i am in my 3rd trimester... well as of monday i will be... and that is like major... the baby can come anytime after that... wow... scary!! and i'm due in june which seems far away but its not really.... i'm 27 weeks.. so i got 13 to go!!... wow.... 

i do have cravings... but not major ones... like last night i had a strong random craving for a honey bunn....... and i have random strong cravings for the white mexican cheese dip.... and i eat chick-fila and taco bell atleast 4 times a week..... i would pick some of the not so healthy foods!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

a recent update.....

so yeah... i'm getting my baby bump :) it is soo cute... and i'm soo excited... and feeling the baby kick is sooo amazing... and mama and josh got to feel him kick too.. it is the cutest feeling 

ever that i know i am going to miss!
ha during the ultra-sound he was playing with himself and i thought it was soo cute but almost embharising ... i love this baby.... and heartburn is a butt... it is the worst fe
eling ever!
in the mean time here are some pictures.... just for your pleasure!

and i've narrowed my names down... evan rone... or cooper rone... i love both of them soo much! and so many people i know are having babies.... and it gets me sooo excited... there are also some rooms i like that i am still deciding on

i can't get the other one to upload so here is the link!

i think both are precious and there are things i like about each of them....  i love this baby so very much and can't wait for him to come.... and we are both healthy as of my docotors appt. feb 26th.... i've only gained 5lbs and he has a good strong heartbeat...go us!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BOY OR GIRL?? (jan 27th)

so i went to the doctor on jan. 27th for my first ultra-sound... josh came with me and wow was that one special day! i was soo excited.... everyone.. well just about everyone.. said i was having a boy but i didn't wanna listen... and i still had a thought/scare that i was having twins.. i just wanted to know!

seeing my baby for the first time was one special thing.. just the little head and feet and hands and all.. soo adoriable.... and yup there was only one.... that made me happy... even though i would of loved 2 twice as much.. one was all i needed right now.... and yup.. it was a boy! everyone was right... but after that i thought that maybe having a a boy would be better for me.. i don't know how i would of done with all of the glitter and barbies and hair and hannah montana and stuff... sports are more my thing.... God knows what u need!

mama was soo excited when she got the phone call... mama is just excited period .. she walks around saying "im gonna be a grandma, i'm gonna have a grandson"... she makes me laugh!

on the down side i did sufer from a bladder infection.. and some pain but all was well.. 
the baby was 1lb 3 oz at that time and we were both healthy (and still are) 
that day will always be in my heart...

oh lordy.. now i gotta find a name... i don't really like boy names... but josh's mom put a stop on howard and axle... so now we are back to start... hmm name??

i ended up liking evan, caleb, cooper, alex, charlie...

but i'm not really sure... cooper the pooper... caleb is common.... alex is ehh.. and charlie from charlie and the chocolate factory... so i odn't know..... i just really don't like boy names.... i'll find one though one day!

i still don't really look pregnant... i'm just kinda in this fat stage.. but i should grow out more!!
and i realized that i have some pretty amazing friends... thakns guys!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

the first trimester!!! (nov, dec, jan,)

hearing the heart beat was amazing... at 13 weeks.. ahh ... so cute..and josh came with me.... but that is when we found out that i could possibley having twins.... wow... me twins!
i can't fit into any of my clothes.. which is horrible .... but i don't look that big... i just look.. funny

josh has been really supportive.... and every since all of this.. he has been a way better boyfriend... i know that he will be a great father..... it may take him sometime but i know that his fatherly sences will kick in eventually...

my baby likes to hang out really low..... oh and i felt the foot for the first time... not like a kick but i was rubbing my stomach and there was a bump thing.... mama said it was a foot... sooo cute!!!
and i have been thinking of names...
for a girl.. i like
rylan jae
and max (maxiene) leanne 
and for a boy
i don't really like boy names... i just don't like them... ugh... but josh likes
howard :p
and axle... 
um no i dont like either one of those.... but if it is a boy Rone will be the middle name b/c that is josh's middle name and it is passed down from generations and all... no last name decision yet nor no marriage decision.... we are just still working on our relationship and all!
i love this baby!