Saturday, March 21, 2009

Time Flys...

so... wow... i was sittting back thinking and talking to the bestie abigail... and realizing that time is  valuable... time flys by like .. fast.... like...zzzzzzoooooooooooooommmmmmmmm fast!!
it is ridiculus....

but where does it go... b/c alot of society complains about how slow the day is going  or how long the week is.. but in reality they are all the same amount of time and in the big picture time is really passing you by.... time that u can't get back...

i can remmeber like yesterday the day i found out i was pregnant (oct. 17th but confirmed oct. 31st) and just wow... that was not that long ago... 5 months ago to be exact... and now i am 7 months pregnant and fixing to have a real life baby (yeah not one of those fake ones like barbie)

or the first time i met josh... wow um.. almost 4 years ago... and the whole story behind it!!

and wow.. my first year of college is almost over... in 6 more weeks to be exact... and i can't tell u how many times i've wanted to quit and give up and complain.. but in reality i've almost completed it.. a whole year.. well 9 months.... and my first day of college.. oh lordy... and the first night was amazing thanks to a trip to mcdonalds with some very cool people who most of them i still talk to!!....

time is very precsious.... just one moment... and you can miss that one moment if u are trapped in the past or the future....i've decided to no longer complain about how "slow" time is going.. b/c if u are not focused u could miss that one important  moment (like a babies first word).... time is a gift that God gives us... 

and on a side note.. at church (TPC) we are doing a series called "live like you were dying" (yea like the song)... but our pastor is challenging us to live the next 30 days (well probably more like 20 days now) to live like we were dying.... that is the most precious  43200 minnutes of your life.. right there.... the next 30 days..

so don't take another day for granted... time is very very valuable and special!!!!

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