Friday, March 27, 2009

blossoming over night!

so... today i went to the doctor.. and everything is good!!... i and the baby are healthy.. besides the fact that i have low iron.. which i have always had.. but she put me on a vitamin to help so we won't have complications during birth..... but other than that, we are good to go..... oh and just an update i have gained a total of 10 lbs since this pregnancy.. .which from what i've herd is really good!!! i have been gainging like one pound a month and then from feb to march i gained 5... wow all in one month.. but i have also done alot of expanding through the month as well.... so that is probably why! 

i swear this baby is ready to come out.... physcially not but evan likes to sit really low and today he was head down.... i thought it was funny..... he must not like it in there.... oh and he loves the shower... i can feel him stretch out to the limits while i'm in the shower... it is adoriable!!

so after the doctor.. me and lexa went to a consignment sale at AMS and there was SOOOO much stuff there... like omg...i wanted to buy everything.... they had soo many good deals and such cute stuff....  i went to look for a crib originally.. but didn't leave with one..... but thats okay... i still have a while.... but i did get evan an outfit that is too cute... and me an outfit (lol) and oh a bassinet... there all so cute...
and i got to see the wonderful nicole and talk to her for a minnute which was good..
i ended the day with moes and dairy queen where i found my new favorite blizzard (oreo mint) and then ate dinner with the fam. and hung out with josh!..
overall today was a good but long day :)

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