Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BOY OR GIRL?? (jan 27th)

so i went to the doctor on jan. 27th for my first ultra-sound... josh came with me and wow was that one special day! i was soo excited.... everyone.. well just about everyone.. said i was having a boy but i didn't wanna listen... and i still had a thought/scare that i was having twins.. i just wanted to know!

seeing my baby for the first time was one special thing.. just the little head and feet and hands and all.. soo adoriable.... and yup there was only one.... that made me happy... even though i would of loved 2 twice as much.. one was all i needed right now.... and yup.. it was a boy! everyone was right... but after that i thought that maybe having a a boy would be better for me.. i don't know how i would of done with all of the glitter and barbies and hair and hannah montana and stuff... sports are more my thing.... God knows what u need!

mama was soo excited when she got the phone call... mama is just excited period .. she walks around saying "im gonna be a grandma, i'm gonna have a grandson"... she makes me laugh!

on the down side i did sufer from a bladder infection.. and some pain but all was well.. 
the baby was 1lb 3 oz at that time and we were both healthy (and still are) 
that day will always be in my heart...

oh lordy.. now i gotta find a name... i don't really like boy names... but josh's mom put a stop on howard and axle... so now we are back to start... hmm name??

i ended up liking evan, caleb, cooper, alex, charlie...

but i'm not really sure... cooper the pooper... caleb is common.... alex is ehh.. and charlie from charlie and the chocolate factory... so i odn't know..... i just really don't like boy names.... i'll find one though one day!

i still don't really look pregnant... i'm just kinda in this fat stage.. but i should grow out more!!
and i realized that i have some pretty amazing friends... thakns guys!!!

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