Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Movie Review 2

Distric 9... didn't really want to see it but it turned out not to bad... started off kinda lam but ended up really good A-

Funny People.... it was okay... had some funny parts but it was way to long and draged out!... not one of sandlers best!

It was eehh... ruined... really good movie up until the end and then it was ruined!!! i know its been out but i just saw it!!

Doctors and Food and Life

so... i have been sick with a good ol sinus infection and an ear infection.... mama took off last week while i was doing really bad and helped me with Evan (she rocks)... and i tried to stay away from him as much as possible but i still managed to give him the "booly"(as mama calls it).. so we took him to the doctor after 2 days of coughing and sneezing and he too has an ear infection.... my baby's first ear infection :( ... but he is doing soo good to be in a little pain... i told ya'll he was my little rock!!.... they put him on the pink bublegum medicine, which by the way anti-biotics are free at publix, and hes doing okay with it.... he is getting better and i'm pretty much healed.

Last sunday we (me, josh and Evan) joined alot from my moms side of the family on a journey to the family reunion up towards helen, gainsville area, and we hada blast. Games, meeting, introducing, and food!!... Evan even won a pize for being the youngest person there :) You know, i think the food is my favorite part of family reunions... all of the "old" people cookin' it up in the kitchen.. .yum yum!!

OH... speaking of doctor... while we were there... we were informed that Evan weighs 14 lbs 7oz.... he is getting to be quite the chunky thing.... and i started loading some videos on youtube of Evan.. cause hes cute and I can do that... Click Here .... and compliments to lexa and her step mom... evan got a new swing and bouncy thingy and loves them both and i am so very thankful :)

I know i have more to say but i can't think of what it was.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009


God's work is shown all around us; sometimes we see it and sometimes we overlook it. A lot of times we pray for something and it doesn't happen and then we question God. "How come when I prayed for it, if didn't come" or "God isn't real because he didn't answer my prayers." But then there are those times when .our prayers are answered and sometimes we don't even have to pray for our needs, God just knows. Well I now can be a witness to all and say that God does hear our prayers and I have proof!! You see I had difficulties during my pregnancy. All was well until about 33 weeks, and then I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (or toxemia) and was hospitalized for 10 days. Short Story, my blood pressure was extremely high and I had way too much protein in my urine due to kidney failure due to the high BP. So anywho my body was going hay-wire and it woudln't get better untill the baby came out. As some of you might know, a baby full term is 40 weeks but is pretty much done areound 38 weeks. Well I was 33 weeks and struggling. The doctors were trying to hold off as long as they could (for the baby's sake)

Back to Prayes being answered; I was pretty much told I was going to be in the hospital until I had the baby and the baby was coming out within a week. As soon as I got to 34 weeks, they induced me and eventually had to do a c-section. Through the week of me being layed up in the hospital, I kept my friends and family updated frequently. Come to find out all of them had been praying for me and Evan the whole time and keeping their faith in God (as was I ).

The day I was induced, the NICU doctor came in and told me and Josh to be prepared, becasue most babies this young don't have fully developed lungs and that he would most likely be on a breathing machine and a feeding tube. We were a little scared, but prepared and still kept our faith in God and asked all of our friends and family to contiune praying (and they did) Well after Evan was born, and we went down to the NICU to see him.... he had NO tubes, NO wires, NO nothing!! He was on a heart monitor, but all babies in the NICU are and had an IV but thats it.. thats right... my baby was HEALTHY!!... He was underweight, but that is becasue he was born 6 weeks early, and that was the only thing keeping him in the hospital. Ihad a healthy 4 pound pre-mature baby. The doctors had said that this was one rare baby and that we were very blessed!!

So as I look back, God did answer everyone's prayers. People who didn't even know Evan yet were praying for him and they all got answered! If you look at Evan now, you would never be able to tell he was a premature baby and i could never ask for anything else. I am also healty again and survived birth :)



So I would personally like to thank each and every one of ya'll who had me and/or Evan in your thoughts and prayers. They were answered!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gina's Movie Review

Me and Josh tend to go to the movies atleast a couple of times a month.. just to get a break and all! So i figured I would share with my friends what movies I liked and what i thought about them and all

Ice Age 3 was halirous!!! Amazing movie.... alot of adult humor in it and can be a little scary for little kids.. but overall A+... kept me and josh entertained!

The Proposal was soo funny!.. I love Sandra Bullock and this one was defiantly one of her best! Good story.. Good Plot.. Great Humor!! A+

The Orphan... Very good movie... suspencefull.. kinda gory.... way twisted ending.... kinda predictlable though in a way!... Still very good.. B++

The Collector.... wow.. not so much scary.. more thriller-suspence type movie... way Gory.. kind of like Saw but not as good... still a good one... B

Harry Potter... i'm not a big fan at all of Harry Potter.. but overall it was a good movie.. very well made and it kept me interested even though i don't like that potter fellow!!... It was extremely long though.... B+


Bruno... all i have to say is wow....... horrible movie.... it had some funny parts... some gay porn scenes... and just some down right nastyness!!!.... F++

so that is what we saw recently.... i love movies.. i love all type of movies... we also watched a movie called "Bug"... that one was way weird... totally out there and i'm still not sure what it was about!!!!

hope maybe i helped someone out!!

more of a vent then a blog...

You know.... as a new mom i was prepared for all experienced moms to give me some advice and all... but gosh.. there is a difference between advice and telling me how to be a mom... that aggrevates the crap out of me.. when someone tells me how to raise my child ... ugh!!! I do'nt care what you did with your children and how 'fine" they are now... i don't when you started feeding them real food and giving them juice and all that other junk... this is my child.. my child is way different then your children... he was 6 weeks early and his body is still in process and all... this is MY child... not yours... now i understand alot of things....

anyways.. now that i feel better about that... Don't you hate it when someone who you thought was a best friend finds a guy and then they fall madley in love and then they totally leave you out of everything and act like ya'll never knew eachother... well i do.. it sucks majorly.. I know I did it to some back when me and josh first started dating but i didn't realize how much it sucks!!... I am deeply and truly sorry to all of my friends that i betrayed and left out.. i never ment to hurt you like this.. i just now feel used... girls are not so nice.. i have known of other girls to do this and been through this but i thought she would of been different.. yeah right.. girls are girls.. i still love her and i'm not downing her but i wish she would realize what she is doing and maybe i'm not the only one who feels like this!!

okie dokie.. so for some good news.. my brother starts highschool tomorrow.. holy cow.... time flys... i'm kinda almost scared for him.. but he has some good teachers.. and hes gonna be in ROTC.. maybe that will do him so good!!

And Evan is doing just fine... He is around 13lbs and growing soo fast!! I love that little boy!! I'm pretty sure he has colic.. which sucks for me.. but i feel soo had for him!! I'm just so inlove with him!!....... and me and josh are doing just lovely! he is a great help to me and a wonderful boyfriend/ daddy!!