Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gina's Movie Review

Me and Josh tend to go to the movies atleast a couple of times a month.. just to get a break and all! So i figured I would share with my friends what movies I liked and what i thought about them and all

Ice Age 3 was halirous!!! Amazing movie.... alot of adult humor in it and can be a little scary for little kids.. but overall A+... kept me and josh entertained!

The Proposal was soo funny!.. I love Sandra Bullock and this one was defiantly one of her best! Good story.. Good Plot.. Great Humor!! A+

The Orphan... Very good movie... suspencefull.. kinda gory.... way twisted ending.... kinda predictlable though in a way!... Still very good.. B++

The Collector.... wow.. not so much scary.. more thriller-suspence type movie... way Gory.. kind of like Saw but not as good... still a good one... B

Harry Potter... i'm not a big fan at all of Harry Potter.. but overall it was a good movie.. very well made and it kept me interested even though i don't like that potter fellow!!... It was extremely long though.... B+


Bruno... all i have to say is wow....... horrible movie.... it had some funny parts... some gay porn scenes... and just some down right nastyness!!!.... F++

so that is what we saw recently.... i love movies.. i love all type of movies... we also watched a movie called "Bug"... that one was way weird... totally out there and i'm still not sure what it was about!!!!

hope maybe i helped someone out!!

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