Back to Prayes being answered; I was pretty much told I was going to be in the hospital until I had the baby and the baby was coming out within a week. As soon as I got to 34 weeks, they induced me and eventually had to do a c-section. Through the week of me being layed up in the hospital, I kept my friends and family updated frequently. Come to find out all of them had been praying for me and Evan the whole time and keeping their faith in God (as was I ).
The day I was induced, the NICU doctor came in and told me and Josh to be prepared, becasue most babies this young don't have fully developed lungs and that he would most likely be on a breathing machine and a feeding tube. We were a little scared, but prepared and still kept our faith in God and asked all of our friends and family to contiune praying (and they did) Well after Evan was born, and we went down to the NICU to see him.... he had NO tubes, NO wires, NO nothing!! He was on a heart monitor, but all babies in the NICU are and had an IV but thats it.. thats right... my baby was HEALTHY!!... He was underweight, but that is becasue he was born 6 weeks early, and that was the only thing keeping him in the hospital. Ihad a healthy 4 pound pre-mature baby. The doctors had said that this was one rare baby and that we were very blessed!!
So as I look back, God did answer everyone's prayers. People who didn't even know Evan yet were praying for him and they all got answered! If you look at Evan now, you would never be able to tell he was a premature baby and i could never ask for anything else. I am also healty again and survived birth :)
So I would personally like to thank each and every one of ya'll who had me and/or Evan in your thoughts and prayers. They were answered!!!
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