Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Evan's 1st Halloween!!!

** my camera is **misplaced** so all of these are from my phone.. sorry**

so... my little lobster hated his outfit but looked tooo darn cute in it!!!

and my little niece and nephew looked just as awesome....

and we hung out with my family.........

yeah they weren't soo cute.... but she is.......

and all in all... it was a great day.... :)

Short, Fat, and Handsome

So.... my little man is 6 months old and growing up soo fast!!!

He can roll over both ways very well....

He can sit up on his own...... most of the time :)

He is 19lbs.... 26 inches long..........

oh... and hold his own bottle..... when he wants too.....

overall.. this little cutie is gettin soo big and growing up soo much!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

5 months :)

I am way overdue for a post... sorry guys!!!

Evan is now 5 months old..... 18lbs.... and 25 inches long!!!

He can hold his own bottle (most of the time)

and discovered his feet

Evan has also experienced a bunch of first...........

First food (applesauce)

1st trip to the Varsity

and First trip to the good ole' Henry County Fair

All in all.. he is growing soo fast and behaving soo well..... God has truly blessed me with a GOOD baby!!!!

I have started back to school (Griffin tech) but taking night classes for now so i can stay at home with Evan during the day!!.. i am soo inlove with that little thing!!! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday!!

4 months old.... 15 1/2 lbs..... 25 in. long!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Movie Review 2

Distric 9... didn't really want to see it but it turned out not to bad... started off kinda lam but ended up really good A-

Funny People.... it was okay... had some funny parts but it was way to long and draged out!... not one of sandlers best!

It was eehh... ruined... really good movie up until the end and then it was ruined!!! i know its been out but i just saw it!!

Doctors and Food and Life

so... i have been sick with a good ol sinus infection and an ear infection.... mama took off last week while i was doing really bad and helped me with Evan (she rocks)... and i tried to stay away from him as much as possible but i still managed to give him the "booly"(as mama calls it).. so we took him to the doctor after 2 days of coughing and sneezing and he too has an ear infection.... my baby's first ear infection :( ... but he is doing soo good to be in a little pain... i told ya'll he was my little rock!!.... they put him on the pink bublegum medicine, which by the way anti-biotics are free at publix, and hes doing okay with it.... he is getting better and i'm pretty much healed.

Last sunday we (me, josh and Evan) joined alot from my moms side of the family on a journey to the family reunion up towards helen, gainsville area, and we hada blast. Games, meeting, introducing, and food!!... Evan even won a pize for being the youngest person there :) You know, i think the food is my favorite part of family reunions... all of the "old" people cookin' it up in the kitchen.. .yum yum!!

OH... speaking of doctor... while we were there... we were informed that Evan weighs 14 lbs 7oz.... he is getting to be quite the chunky thing.... and i started loading some videos on youtube of Evan.. cause hes cute and I can do that... Click Here .... and compliments to lexa and her step mom... evan got a new swing and bouncy thingy and loves them both and i am so very thankful :)

I know i have more to say but i can't think of what it was.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009


God's work is shown all around us; sometimes we see it and sometimes we overlook it. A lot of times we pray for something and it doesn't happen and then we question God. "How come when I prayed for it, if didn't come" or "God isn't real because he didn't answer my prayers." But then there are those times when .our prayers are answered and sometimes we don't even have to pray for our needs, God just knows. Well I now can be a witness to all and say that God does hear our prayers and I have proof!! You see I had difficulties during my pregnancy. All was well until about 33 weeks, and then I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (or toxemia) and was hospitalized for 10 days. Short Story, my blood pressure was extremely high and I had way too much protein in my urine due to kidney failure due to the high BP. So anywho my body was going hay-wire and it woudln't get better untill the baby came out. As some of you might know, a baby full term is 40 weeks but is pretty much done areound 38 weeks. Well I was 33 weeks and struggling. The doctors were trying to hold off as long as they could (for the baby's sake)

Back to Prayes being answered; I was pretty much told I was going to be in the hospital until I had the baby and the baby was coming out within a week. As soon as I got to 34 weeks, they induced me and eventually had to do a c-section. Through the week of me being layed up in the hospital, I kept my friends and family updated frequently. Come to find out all of them had been praying for me and Evan the whole time and keeping their faith in God (as was I ).

The day I was induced, the NICU doctor came in and told me and Josh to be prepared, becasue most babies this young don't have fully developed lungs and that he would most likely be on a breathing machine and a feeding tube. We were a little scared, but prepared and still kept our faith in God and asked all of our friends and family to contiune praying (and they did) Well after Evan was born, and we went down to the NICU to see him.... he had NO tubes, NO wires, NO nothing!! He was on a heart monitor, but all babies in the NICU are and had an IV but thats it.. thats right... my baby was HEALTHY!!... He was underweight, but that is becasue he was born 6 weeks early, and that was the only thing keeping him in the hospital. Ihad a healthy 4 pound pre-mature baby. The doctors had said that this was one rare baby and that we were very blessed!!

So as I look back, God did answer everyone's prayers. People who didn't even know Evan yet were praying for him and they all got answered! If you look at Evan now, you would never be able to tell he was a premature baby and i could never ask for anything else. I am also healty again and survived birth :)



So I would personally like to thank each and every one of ya'll who had me and/or Evan in your thoughts and prayers. They were answered!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gina's Movie Review

Me and Josh tend to go to the movies atleast a couple of times a month.. just to get a break and all! So i figured I would share with my friends what movies I liked and what i thought about them and all

Ice Age 3 was halirous!!! Amazing movie.... alot of adult humor in it and can be a little scary for little kids.. but overall A+... kept me and josh entertained!

The Proposal was soo funny!.. I love Sandra Bullock and this one was defiantly one of her best! Good story.. Good Plot.. Great Humor!! A+

The Orphan... Very good movie... suspencefull.. kinda gory.... way twisted ending.... kinda predictlable though in a way!... Still very good.. B++

The Collector.... wow.. not so much scary.. more thriller-suspence type movie... way Gory.. kind of like Saw but not as good... still a good one... B

Harry Potter... i'm not a big fan at all of Harry Potter.. but overall it was a good movie.. very well made and it kept me interested even though i don't like that potter fellow!!... It was extremely long though.... B+


Bruno... all i have to say is wow....... horrible movie.... it had some funny parts... some gay porn scenes... and just some down right nastyness!!!.... F++

so that is what we saw recently.... i love movies.. i love all type of movies... we also watched a movie called "Bug"... that one was way weird... totally out there and i'm still not sure what it was about!!!!

hope maybe i helped someone out!!

more of a vent then a blog...

You know.... as a new mom i was prepared for all experienced moms to give me some advice and all... but gosh.. there is a difference between advice and telling me how to be a mom... that aggrevates the crap out of me.. when someone tells me how to raise my child ... ugh!!! I do'nt care what you did with your children and how 'fine" they are now... i don't when you started feeding them real food and giving them juice and all that other junk... this is my child.. my child is way different then your children... he was 6 weeks early and his body is still in process and all... this is MY child... not yours... now i understand alot of things....

anyways.. now that i feel better about that... Don't you hate it when someone who you thought was a best friend finds a guy and then they fall madley in love and then they totally leave you out of everything and act like ya'll never knew eachother... well i do.. it sucks majorly.. I know I did it to some back when me and josh first started dating but i didn't realize how much it sucks!!... I am deeply and truly sorry to all of my friends that i betrayed and left out.. i never ment to hurt you like this.. i just now feel used... girls are not so nice.. i have known of other girls to do this and been through this but i thought she would of been different.. yeah right.. girls are girls.. i still love her and i'm not downing her but i wish she would realize what she is doing and maybe i'm not the only one who feels like this!!

okie dokie.. so for some good news.. my brother starts highschool tomorrow.. holy cow.... time flys... i'm kinda almost scared for him.. but he has some good teachers.. and hes gonna be in ROTC.. maybe that will do him so good!!

And Evan is doing just fine... He is around 13lbs and growing soo fast!! I love that little boy!! I'm pretty sure he has colic.. which sucks for me.. but i feel soo had for him!! I'm just so inlove with him!!....... and me and josh are doing just lovely! he is a great help to me and a wonderful boyfriend/ daddy!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

3 Months and Growing!

Well today Evan is 3 months old.. haha yes I tend to celebrate monthly until I loose count :)
but he is getting so big and cuter than ever.... i love my little man, he is my everything!!! He doesn't go back to the doctor untill his 4 month check-up but I wanted to know how much he weighed; so while at my brothers open house (hes a freshie at HCHS) I went and visited my favorite teacher ever and weighed him in her room (she just happened to have a baby scale)...... he weighs roughly 13lbs... he had his clothes on and all... so i was like "golly gee you fatty"... but he is soo precious!!

Going back to the open house.... Henry County High is so flippin' huge... holy cow I got lost more than once... it goes from the 100 hall to the 1000 hall.... its ridiculus!!! Ha and my brother just about has to go back and forth the whole day (haha)

My future plans still remain the same, I still intended on going to Griffin Tech. (for what I still don't know)... actually I woudn't mind at all being an EMT, but I really don't want to risk missing Evans first christmas or birthday or any of that good stuff.. so forget that.... I'm not really sure what I am going to do.... I do know that I am going to take an Auto Mechanic Class, I think it will be a good spend of money!!... Which reminds me of this one time me and a really good friend of mine said we would open up a female mechanic shop... haha.. we still might do it!!

Evan is the cutest bundle of joy around and I love that little baby.... He is starting to be more fussy at night and he likes to throw up occasionally ( and that usually ends up all over me)... but he is getting so much better. He is also sleeping 5-8 hours at night ( which puts me in a way better mood through out the day).... All in all... things are well!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's a Name Thing!

okay... so i lied about the scrat thing... its not sticking what so ever!!... no name really seems to stick.. maybe its not time for a nickname.... i guess i will have to stick to punkin or chunky for now...

i like nicknames... and i think they are special.. and you don't neccessairly have to have the same nickname for everyone to call you...
like me... my aunt Gina calls me tator.. she always has and she is the ONLY one who calls me that.. its special... and my pawpaw (who has passed) used to call me tootsie pop... that was special too....

so i want it to be special... but then again i want him to have a name ppl can call him besides evan... i don't know y i just think its cool.....

so for now its punkin, chunk, grunt, scooter (thats a new one) and josh calls him "jig-a-boo" and mama calls him sweet potatoe.... and josh's mom calls him jelly bean.. so i don't know... i personally don't think any of these will stick and we will have to wait till he gets a little older to figure it out!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who (or what) is a scrat??

So... me and Josh have really been trying to find a nickname for Evan... punkin, lil' man, jelly bean, and sweet potaote have already been takin'... We wanted something different... something that everyone doens't use... something that would stick and not get worn off when he gets older.... so after a few dozen ideas.... we finally agreed on something..... "Scrat"

Why Scrat... not really sure.... oh and if u don't know who scrat is... he is the squir off of Ice Age who is always chasing after the acorn.... but anywho.... Evan looks exactly like him with the big eyes and cute bushy tail :).......... So now you know!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So... I'll be a follower!!!

So... I seen that my lovely friend Nicole is participating in a "blog hop" .... and this weeks theme is "Favorite Picture"... wow I have soo many favorite pictures especially now since Evan has became my main focus!! So I split it up........ my favorite picture before Evan....

this is a lion at the Wild Safari at pine mountian... it reminds me of something off the lion king!!

And my favorite picture after Evan..... this was while he was in the NICU...just a couple of days old..... and already smiling :)

So i just might make this a weekly thing!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 months

So yes it's been a while... inbetween feedings and diappers and trying to catch some "me" time to eat or shower... it has been a hectic month.... but there is some good stuff going on around here :)

Evan is 2 months old
10lbs 9oz
22 inces long
Stomach issues... but its getting better
He is holding his head up more more every day
I think he'll be crawling by the end of the summer
sleeping longer at nights 5-6 hours (which makes me happy)

so overall things are great.... he has been quite the fussy one though lately and is a spoiled rotten child... loves being held!!

This was at Josh's Cousin's Wedding in Tennessee..... needless to say, Evan is not quite ready for 5 hour trips, but he was overall a good baby and I'm glad me and josh got to spend alot of time together, no tv.. no phone... just us talking... it was good!!! And the wedding was beautiful :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

1 month later!!!

7 lbs 8oz

20 1/2 inches long

1 month old

and as cute as could be!!

I love my lil' man!!
oh... and as for me...  i am doing really good... getting use the the no sleep... and the bottle washing... and the clothes folding... and the smelly spit up.... and enjoying every miniute of it :)
and i'm back down to the weight i started at before the baby... and back into my bluejeans :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

As I look back....

So today is the graduation for the class of 2009 and it made me look back on this past year. I gradutated class of 2008 and since then have had one interesting year!

  • I lost a very special person in my life, but later on got him back and better than ever!
  • I worked with some pretty amazing people over the summer and gained a very special friend who i will never forget!
  • Went to a conference were I found and grew my  relationship with Jesus!!
  • I went to college, moved onto campus, and met some amazing people while there!
  • Met a girl who will hold a special place in my heart forever and we will remain friends forever!!
  • Got pregnant and had baby.... this i  do not consider a mistake at all.. I love my son more than ever!!
  • Finished my first year of college :)
  • Mastered ROCK band... just to throw in here!
  • Became closer to some people who i love and care about deeply!
  • Fell in love all over again with a wonderful man who will always have a big place in my heart!!

so through out this year i have experienced alot of ups and downs and can't wait to see what this upcoming year has in store!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

my chunky monkey!!

3 weeks old!!

went to the doctor today... Evan now weighs 6lbs 4oz.... he is doing just wonderful!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

WOW.... What a Week!!

wow...what a week i have had... soo much has happened.... i'll start from the begining!!

Friday (april 24th) i went to the doctor for a check up and it was then i was admited to the hospital b/c my blood pressure was through the roof and i had too much protein in my urine... so i went to HMC for a 24 hour observation... well 24 hours turned into the whole weekend and my doctor was out of town for the weekend so the fill in doctor kept a check up on me and from her point of veiw she wanted to do a c-section monday morning b/c i was donig so bad.... but we waited till my doctor got back monday morning

monday came and my doctor looked at all the test results and said that my toxemia was getting worse but not severe enough to deliever.... by that night i was getting better and we were looking at a tuesday night release

tuesday morning i woke up with a severe migrain and was trowing up everywhere... it was horrible... so the doctor made me stay in the hospital for more test.... this was a sign of worsening of the toxima... the next step was seizures so he wanted to monitor me closely...

by wednesday night i still had the headache but i wasn't bad cuz of all the medicine i was on... but doc decided that i wasn't getting better and a delivery would be best... at this time i was 34 weeks so he knew that it woiuld be okay

thursday morning i was induced and we just waited.... he broke my water around lunch and i was dialted at a 4 by 2 o'clock .... the epideral helped some but i was still hurting.... by 9 i was only dialeted to a 5 and i needed to be atleast a 6.5- 7 to deliever and my bloood pressure wasn't getting any better so we ended up having to do a c-secrion

Baby Evan was born at 9:56 pm on April 30th, at 4lbs 40z, 17 1/2 inches long and the cutest ever. I got to hold him right after he was born but then they put him in the NICU (baby ICU) .... i didn't get to see him again till friday night..
the doctors were mainly worried about his lungs being fully defeloped and they were... he didn't have to have any tubes down his throat or be in a incubator or anything.. he is doing just fine... their second worry was him eating.. and let me tell u.. he is doing very well in that area... he is a little piggy.. but that is a good thing :)

so i got to come home sunday night but had to leave Evan behind.. i know that he is in good hands and i will visit him often.... i know though that i will need the rest and recovery before Evans big arrival... and healing from a c-section is hard core... so i guess it is semi- a good thing.. i miss my little buddy though!

i wanted to say thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers while in the hospital.. they really did work... and will continue to work while Evan is still growing and healing! and a special thank you to Josh.... Josh was there the whole time while i was in the hospital.. he was there every night struggling to sleep in the chair or on the so called couch... and there all day to make sure i had everything i needed... got to be in the room during the c-section and help my hand the whole time with out getting sick and helped me in every way possible during my recovery.... he got to feed evan and chang his diapper and hold him.... Josh was onlyh the best boyfriend during this past week and i know i would of not made it if it wasn't for him! i know he is going to be the best dad ever!
i also wanna thank my parents... especially my mama... she was my sole supported through the whole thing... she was there every time i needed her and came to my rescue multiple times... she put up with my random phone calls of bordness and my many times of tears... i love her so very much and i know that even though i had a baby i am still her baby girl and she will always be there for me
and i also wanna thank lexa, kayla, and abigail....... lexa and abigail came and hung out with me and my family during the delivery and stayed the whole 5+ hours untill i came out of recovery... kayla kept me company all day friday and constantly called and checked on me and Evan and made sure we had everything we needed..... all 3 of them also came to my most needed rescue and helped me wash my hair.. u will never know how much happier that made me feel
these aren't the only people who i am thankful for... i am thankful for everyone who thought about me or Evan during the past week of suffering and pain.... i got plenty of visitors and presents and i know multi-millinos of thoughts and prayers,,, that means the most to me!

in the mean time... i am at home recovering and Evan is in good hands at the hospital getting better and better everyday.. he is my rock!! i love that little man so very much and am already so proud of him :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


  • I'm healthy.... Blood Pressure was good
  • Baby is healthy...
  • i've Gained too much weight (well to me i think i have)
  • Baby Evan weighs 4.5lbs
  • If i stay healthy.... i will hold till about 37 weeks (but no later)
  • but if something goes wrong... then immidiate delievery
  • Evan has a head full of hair
  • He is also a lazy baby.... and stubborn
  • I'm Still going twice a week to keep a check up on us

so all in all today was a good day..... oh and i gots my crib and dresser today at babies r us.... so so cute.. and i will upload pics later...  in the mean time 2 weeks of school left and a babie shower sunday :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

"What do you want?"

so... with baby showers coming up... i have been asked a lot what I need or want.... well frankly i don't really care... i am not a picky person what so ever and i love whatever you love.. i'm one of those ppl who think it is all about thought
but just for information.....

  • i am registered at Babies r us.... wal-mart... and target
  • i have... crib, bedding, bassinet, A car seat, and some outfits, and a stroller.. i think thats it
  • so frankly i need everything.. and if u have had a baby then u know what is majorly needed and what u wish people would of got you and stuff..
  • so for now that is the answer.... 
and ahh.. the room is almost ready.. i'm soo excited and will post pictures.. 

as for an update.... i am 33 weeks and going to the doctor tomorrow for an ultra- sound and hopefully all will be well... all i want is to finish school which my last day is may 6th.. ... and then baby evan can come!! in the mean time i am on bed rest and just chilling.... i'm getting sooo excited and scared... and just AAAHHHHH!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

What a Hour....

so today i went back to the doctor... and wow what a lot of information i received...

  • i don't have toxemia
  • i do have "pregnacy hypertention (high blood pressure)
  • i am still on bed rest... well kinda... i can still go to class and stuff
  • i have to go back to the doctor 2x a week 
  • one of those visits will be an ultra-sound b/c hypertention can mess up the fetal growth so they want to monitor that
  • i can still get toxemia... it is possible
  • 10-1 i won't get to have my june baby.... it will be may... doc wants to try and hold him in till i'm atleast 35 weeks.. .which is only 3 weeks away... but that is not guarnteed... my health comes first (but i feel that i can manage that long)

so that was my visit today.. i go back next week..... 
in the mean time.. i have 3 weeks of school left, thank God, and i'll be done.... both baby rooms are still a working progress and so are baby showers.. which is sooo exciting!!... i love this baby that has a big head.. which i was also informed of today :) so i will deft. keep everyone updated and let me know if u have any questions!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bed Rest....

so... today i went to the doctor for a regular ol checkup... and by blood presure was kinda high.. well alot high.... so dr. schilling admited me to the hospital immediatly... i was by myself and scared out of my mind.... and he also found blood in my urine.... so i possibley have toximia... which from what i am told... is high BP and alot of swelling in my hands/ feet/ face.....so i spent the afternoon in the hospital and josh and mama came to my resuce..... but after the blood work came back...nothing seemed to high and my bp lowered while i was there.. which is what they wanted..... i am on complete bed rest for the weekend...... and at home!
oh joy.. 3 days of laying on my side..... ugh!.. but baby evan is doing really well.. he behaved while i was in the hospital.... so i will def keep ya'll updated... i go for a follow up visit monday with dr. schilling.... so this is a start to what i thought was going to be a boring weekend!! please keep me occupied!

Friday, March 27, 2009

blossoming over night!

so... today i went to the doctor.. and everything is good!!... i and the baby are healthy.. besides the fact that i have low iron.. which i have always had.. but she put me on a vitamin to help so we won't have complications during birth..... but other than that, we are good to go..... oh and just an update i have gained a total of 10 lbs since this pregnancy.. .which from what i've herd is really good!!! i have been gainging like one pound a month and then from feb to march i gained 5... wow all in one month.. but i have also done alot of expanding through the month as well.... so that is probably why! 

i swear this baby is ready to come out.... physcially not but evan likes to sit really low and today he was head down.... i thought it was funny..... he must not like it in there.... oh and he loves the shower... i can feel him stretch out to the limits while i'm in the shower... it is adoriable!!

so after the doctor.. me and lexa went to a consignment sale at AMS and there was SOOOO much stuff there... like omg...i wanted to buy everything.... they had soo many good deals and such cute stuff....  i went to look for a crib originally.. but didn't leave with one..... but thats okay... i still have a while.... but i did get evan an outfit that is too cute... and me an outfit (lol) and oh a bassinet... there all so cute...
and i got to see the wonderful nicole and talk to her for a minnute which was good..
i ended the day with moes and dairy queen where i found my new favorite blizzard (oreo mint) and then ate dinner with the fam. and hung out with josh!..
overall today was a good but long day :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I think i'm hitting the normal stages.......

so... the pregnancy symptoms are finally hitting me.... wow took long enough right??? i know am gaining weight... and a belly.... enjoying frequent kicking.... and having some good ole cravings!!!!

and things are getting soooo exciting... baby shower planning and clothes and yard sales... and just wow.... eeeeeeeeeeeeee i am sooo ready for this baby but could also keep him inside forever.... i don't know what a "bad" pregnancy is.. but i've herd horor stories... and this pregnacy has been a ball for me.. i have loved every minnute of it....
mama laughs at me because i am starting to complain about my back and bladder grabbing and kindey squishing.... but dang that hurts..... and people laugh when i stand up b/c it takes me a good 5 seconds to do that too!!.. but o well the joys of growing!!! i go to the doctor friday for a check up and i am soo excited but now i have to start going every 2 weeks.... this baby is comming.... and fast!!!!
i am also finally done with my baby registering... that takes forever.. fun.. but forever!!!... i picked babies r us.... wal mart... and target.... and for some reason didn't but any clothes on there because all baby clothes are cute.. and that takes forver.... and on alot of things i wish i could of just typed in what i wanted.... b/c i'm not picky and don't really care what color or pattern it is... i just need one (like a car seat.. or bibs..).... but whatever.... it is still all so exciting!!
ps.. i'm 7 months.... 29 weeks :)